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“Guo Jian - 郭剑个展” You might enquire - 借问
Amy Li Gallery, Beijing - 艾米李画廊, 北京

du 27 mai au 7 juillet 2013 - 2013年5月27日至7月7日



© Amy Li Gallery


Légendes de gauche à droite :
1/  Guo Jian - 郭剑, Time, oil on canvas - 布面油画, 165×200 cm, 2013.
2/  Guo Jian - 郭剑, Bull - 公牛, oil on canvas - 布面油画, 150×150 cm, 2012.
3/  Guo Jian - 郭剑, Butterflies - 蝴蝶, oil on canvas - 布面油画, 100×100 cm, 2012.



présentation - 展览介绍 :

Curator: Zhao Li


Amy Li Gallery sincerely invites you to join the opening of Guo Jian's Solo Exhibition-"You might Enquire" at 4pm, May 26th, 2013. As the recommended young artist of Amy Li Gallery, this exhibition will showcase Guo Jian's latest work from 2011, and is curated by Professor Zhao Li, who has always been focused on supporting young artists.

Guo Jian has about him, his faculty to understand with sensitivity subtle things, the key element in his creations was Guo Jian’s very quest for “perfection”. “Perfection” is an ideal state of our real and spiritual life, whereas “imperfection” is the normal daily state of our real and spiritual life, and this is why the “perfection” that Guo Jian expresses in his creations becomes so precious, so attaching. In his paintings, Guo Jian consciously creates a supernatural fantasy world, to take us far from our daily routines, standing at the opposite side of real life, so entirely different.

Confronted to the post-modern consumer culture, Guo Jian is clearly conscious of the fact that any signification as such, after experiencing collage and recomposition, is meant to disappear and be and reduced to debris. Guo Jian doesn’t intend to forsake any effort to discuss essentials, he on the contrary endeavors to construct a “new order”. In recent creative arts, where artists try to merge in their paintings the past, the present and the future, and use their own strength to create a “simulation” of a new world. Guo Jian uses extensively the method of paper-folding, which corresponds to the re-apparition of a traditional method of man to face the vacuum of the outer world, and to the historical method for man’s conscience to analyze the external world and speculate on it. Through paper-folding the painter can freely transform the objective object original outside, and he can also, while encouraging any randomness, exert overall control on the objective basis. The result obtained by “paper-folding” is a kind of “simulation”, which directly corresponds to the context of post-modern society culture, on the one hand the reality, continuously subjected to “parody”, becomes a grotesque epitome of post-modern society, on the other hand it is a compressed memory in the same space, giving a new life and a new form to significance.

Guo Jian, born in Shijiazhuang, Hebei province in 1982, has graduated from Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts in 2005. Currently works and lives in Beijing.



策展人: 赵力





郭剑,1982出生于河北石家庄 ,2005毕业于西安美术学院油画系,现工作生活于北京。