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“Zhao Yanan - 赵亚南个展” Flowers - 花儿
Line Gallery, Beijing - 玉兰堂画廊, 北京

du 8 juin au 4 juillet 2013 - 2013年6月8日至7月4日



© Piao Song Yi


Légendes de gauche à droite :
1/  Zhao Yanan - 赵亚南, Flowers No.9 - 花儿 No.9, oil on canvas - 布面油画, 100×600 cm, 2012.
2/  Zhao Yanan - 赵亚南, Group Photo with Flowers - 有花儿的合影, oil on canvas - 布面油画, 160×200 cm, 2012.
3/  Zhao Yanan - 赵亚南, Dusk No. 6 - 黄昏 No.6, oil on canvas - 布面油画, 160×160 cm, 2012.



présentation - 展览介绍 :

artist’s statement

Six years quickly passed by without my knowing it since I graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts. In this short span of six years I’ve had smooth sailings as well as hard journey; life lessons came to me too early or too late, dropped me in a confused blank and then a relief. Once knew how to give up, I have a better understanding about persistence. Today is a corner where I am standing and watching my other self walking away, like a stunning dream destined to wake up and then you have to come down to earth.

Thanks to my enthusiasm for painting, I am still able to sit in front of a blank canvas for more than a dozen hours and fill it up with my grotesque imagination, like I always did when I was in school…Thinking about how many paintings that I have painted, I can get some comfort every time I feel tired.

My love to painting begins from my childhood, when my parents both went to work and left me alone at home for many hours with various color pencils. But I rarely felt bored. Time flies, I never supposed that I would still be painting in this age and painting would have become an important part of my life.

Well, taking creating as work is naturally exciting, especially when you fling yourself into the creating of a heat-touching dream, it is enjoying yourself to the full. People digging in painting are usually idealistic, dream-oriented and expectant in the progress of painting, and this progress is like a plant’s growing its branches, it is miracle but expectable. Sometimes you do not know where you are going to, whether you are repeating your old way, maybe after a long journey you finally find that you were just going round in circles trying to leave the starting point. However, that is part of the charm of being a painter, as if we got back to the age of geographical great discovery, there are so many things unknown, so many mysteries, when you are sailing in the sailboat, even angry waves are worth looking forward to. Since sometimes rough road is the way, the only thing you can do is to go ahead bravely, to walk into the dark night, to celebrate the morning glow. I always remember when I was in high school I’ve fallen in love, although there was the SARS terror, in order to see the girl who was my girlfriend at that time I walked twenty-five miles by myself in dark, I walked all night without company, without light, and almost without a clear direction, that was like the journey of being a painter. You have no fear of dark, no fear of being alone, no fear of being lost, only if you have love. When you have experienced the entire night, you will see the growing morning glow.

The works in this exhibition were finished in this couple of years. From my graduate works to now, I have always tried to present the world I’ve seen in my works as felicitous as possible, it’s like a game, I tell stories in the paintings, my stories, other people’s stories; sometime I mix all the stories so the world I present looks like a dream, sunny, peaceful but with underlying uneasiness. I like the things warm, beautiful and keeping me touched, such as sunshine, growing colorful flowers and lush plants, quiet girls, all cute animals, etc. On the other hand, in my eyes the real world is full of contradictions and conflicts. In the background behind the beautiful peaceful front scene, an air of gloom is hanging over, you can see colorful mushroom cloud, rolling flood, spewing volcano, heavy black clouds, storms, wars, etc. I am trying to find a more appropriate language by putting some contradictory factors and colors in one picture repeatedly, and I getting close to my realization of the world gradually. In this two years of work I’ve also put more attention on improving my technique spent more time on the details of work, I tried to present my own world on the canvas by touches and colors as vivid as possible… because the richness of picture is presented via details, so well-processed details will add vitality and expression to picture effectively.

As for a work, the most pathetic thing is the increase of desire with decrease of happiness. I had a simple and happy time when I was a child drawing at home alone, when I drew small solders and horses on the wall and imagined that I was the general I felt really good. But when I grow up and the youth left me quietly, life becomes richer but sometimes I am exhausted by myself. However, I still want to keep my simplicity and sincerity, and the easy happiness of painting, no matter how the world will change, because I always keep dreams in my heart.

Zhao Yanan






好在对于绘画始终是充满热情的,还可以像上学时候那样,一天花上十几个小时面对一块白色的画布,把它涂满花哨怪诞的想象……正是这样,当每次感觉到疲惫的时候 ,一回头看到自己也画了那么多画,也是有那么点欣慰的……

我是从很小就喜欢画画的,记得那时候父母都要上班,就丢给我各种粉笔彩笔的 ,一个人在家很久,好像也并没感到过多少枯燥。时光飞逝,不觉竟一路画到现在。并且画画慢慢成了我生活中很重要的部分。

而创造性的活动本身就是很来劲的,投入地去制造一个触动心灵的梦境,的确是一种很过瘾的体验,并且一直在画画的人,大都有点理想化,是富于梦想的,对创作的过程也充满了期待……这个过程像一株植物伸展自己的枝枝杈杈,这个过程也充满了未知和神秘,很多时候你不知道自己会去到那儿,是不是在兜圈子,也许走了很远,却发现只是一次次回到原点。 不过这也是画画最重要的魅力之一,就像回到充满梦想的大航海时代,充满了未知,充满了神秘,你驾着帆船出海,惊涛骇浪也是值得期待的。因为有时候弯路也是路,你能做的只有勇敢地去经历,去经历黑夜,去经历黎明的曙光。记得高中刚谈恋爱的时候,赶上非典,一次摸黑走了近五十里夜路去见女朋友,走了整整一晚上,那一路没有同伴,没有光,甚至很难分清方向,而这像极了画画这条路。因为热爱,所以无惧黑暗,无惧孤单,无惧迷茫……当你经历了这一切,天空就一点点亮起来了……


而对于一件事情,通常的悲剧在于 “欲望增加了,快感减少了”,小时候,整天在自己的屋子里面涂涂画画,那时候是单纯的,快乐的……有时把家里的墙上画满小人儿、战马感觉自己就像个挥洒千军的大将军,那感觉很好……而慢慢长大,青春悄然终结,生活承载了更多的东西,有时候自己会把自己搞得很累。可不管世界怎么变化,我想都该努力保持单纯,保持对人的真诚,保持住画画的那种无拘无束的快乐。因为梦想一直在心里。
