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“Crossroads • Another Dimension - 交叉口·异空间” article 983
He Xiangning Art Museum, Shenzhen - 何香凝美术馆, 深圳

du 1er au 30 juin 2013 - 2013年6月1日至6月30日



© He Xiangning Art Museum


Légendes de gauche à droite :
1/  Chen Boyi - 陈伯义, Window View - 窗景(高雄红毛港海汕2路119号——杨志忠宅), photograph - 摄影, 75×91 cm, 2007.
2/  Lin Jiewen - 林介文, Tail - 尾巴, toilet paper - 卫生纸卷, 2011.
3/  XU Bacheng - 徐跋骋, Floating Art Museum - 流动美术馆, mixed media - 综合材料, variable size - 作品尺寸视场地而定, 2013.



présentation - 展览介绍 :

Chief-curator: Feng Boyi
Co-curator: Wang Dong (Mainland China), Ng Fong Chao (Macau), Iris Sie (Taiwan) and Ivy Lin (Hong Kong)

Mainland China: LI Binyuan, XU Bing, XU Bacheng, YIN Xiuzhen
Macau: Konstantin BESSMERTNY, Siochong LEI, PENG Yun, TONG Chong
Taiwan: CHEN Boyi, TSUI Kuangyu, Jiewen LIN, LEE Mingtse
Hong Kong: Kingsley Ng, Kacey Kwokchoi WONG, Leung Chi Wo, Samson Young

The Cross-Strait Four-Regions Artistic Exchange Project, initiated by the He Xiangning Art Museum, is a long-term shared project with art institutions from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. Because of the geographical adjacency, a closely space-based art communication has been achieved among these four places. The He Xiangning Art Museum has constantly organized five times symposiums and exhibitions, namely Departure in 2008, The Butterfly Effect in 2010, 1 + 1 in 2011, It Takes Four Sorts in 2012 and Crossroads • Another Dimension in 2013. Therefore, those former five editions have provided a method guarantee for the four-region’s communication and have already formed a valid system for the artistic exchange among the four regions.

The main theme for this year Crossroads•Another dimension refers to the fact that the four-region-based artists’ creations nowadays are no longer the modernity derived from the traditional and regional culture but the concepts and visual patterns generated in the process of communication and interpretation among different cultures under the trend of globalization. It means the flow and shift of living and creating space lead to the methodological change in the creation of art and to the true situation in the crossroads. For the exhibition and the artists, it is not only a new multiple expression but also a narrative exchange. As to the different reflections from each stop during the touring of this project, it is better to say those reflections belong to the collective than to the artist as an individual. Or it also could be considered as an immersed true felling we shared at the very moment.

Duration and venues

Shenzhen: Hexiangning Museum, 1 June – 30 June, 2013
Macao: Macao Museum of Art, 7 July – 18 August, 2013
Taiwan: Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, 7 September – 3 November, 2013
Hong Kong: Hong Kong City Hall, 18 January – 13 February, 2014



主策展人: 冯博一  
策展人: 王东 (大陆), 吴方洲(澳门), 谢宛真(台湾), 连美娇 (香港)

大陆: 厉槟源, 徐冰, 徐跋骋, 尹秀珍
澳门: 君士坦丁, 李少莊, 彭韫, 唐重
台湾: 陈伯义, 崔广宇, 林介文, 李明则
香港: 黄国才, 梁志和, 伍韶劲, 杨嘉辉



