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“NO QUESTIONS - 没问题” article 1058
Ausstellungsraum Klingental, Bâle, Suisse - Klingental展览馆, 巴塞尔

du 7 septembre au 6 octobre 2013 - 2013年9月7日至10月6日


© Ausstellungsraum Klingental


Légendes de gauche à droite :
1/  Vadim Fishkin - 瓦迪姆•菲什金, Unplugged - 不插电, bulb - 灯泡, dimmer - 调光器, 2011. Courtesy: Galerija Gregor Podnar, Ljubljana/Berlin.
2/  Lee Yongbeck - 李庸白, Angel - Soldier - 天使 – 战士, single channel video - 单频道录像, 23’ 00”, 2011.
3/  Xiao Yu - 萧昱, Power - 权利, tree - 树, duct tapes - 布基胶带, 2013.



présentation - 展览介绍 :


Curator: Xia Yanguo
Organizer: Pro Helvetia, IAAB, Ausstellungsraum Klingental

This Exhibition is consisting of an international exhibition titled ‘NO QUESTIONS’ and a Swiss artists exhibition titled ‘INSERT – The 4th Stall Show’.

Artists of “NO QUESTIONS” International Exhibition:
Leah Capaldi, Attila Csörgő, Vadim Fishkin, Elin Hansdottir, Xiao Yu, Lee Yongbaek

Artists of “INSERT – The 4th Stall Show” Swiss Artists Exhibition:
Lorenzo Bernet, Ray Hegelbach, Raphael Julliard, Florine Leoni, Jerome Leuba, Beat Lippert, Stefan Meier, Valentina Pini, Michel Winterberg, Stefan Karrer

As part of a joint initiative between IAAB (International Exchange and Studio Program Basel), Pro Helvetia (Swiss Arts Council) and Ausstellungsraum Klingental we present an exhibition project from Chinese independent curator in residence Xia Yanguo. It is consisting of an international exhibition titled ‘NO QUESTIONS’ and a Swiss artists exhibition titled ‘INSERT – The 4th Stall Show’.

The international exhibition ‘NO QUESTIONS’ features the work of Leah Capaldi (UK), Attila Csörgő (HU), Vadim Fishkin (SI), Elin Hansdottir (IS), Xiao Yu (CN), Lee Yongbaek (KR). This exhibition focuses on works which upon first encounter have an apparent simplicity yet on closer inspection one realises the works have many interpretations and many facets. At first the title seems to be a contradiction to this but in fact it exists to highlight the sometimes ambiguous nature exhibitions. Perhaps its antagonistic nature serves to make the visitor question further what they see and actually question the process as a whole.

‘INSERT – The 4th Stall Show’ is an exhibition taking place within the exhibition ‘NO QUESTIONS’. Ten artists from across Switzerland were all given 50 CHF to create a piece of work. The exhibition ‘Stall’ will last for one weekend. The artist’s are invited to place the work within the exhibition or in any other space of their choosing. This exhibition is a continuation of a series Xia Yanguo initiated in Bejing, also titled ‘Stall’. This will be the 4th instalment of the series and the first to take place outside of China. The artists featured in ‘Stall’ are Lorenzo Bernet, Ray Hegelbach, Raphael Julliard, Florine Leoni, Jerome Leuba, Beat Lippert, Stefan Meier, Valentina Pini, Michel Winterberg, Stefan Karrer.

策展人: 夏彦国
主办机构: 瑞士文化基金会, 巴塞尔国际交流和驻留项目基金会, Klingental展览馆


莉亚•卡帕尔迪 Leah Capaldi、阿提拉•乔尔加 Attila Csorga、瓦迪姆•菲什金 Vadim Fishkin、艾琳•汉斯杜蒂尔 Elin Hansdottir、萧昱 Xiao Yu、李庸白 Lee Yongbaek

罗仁佐•贝内特 Lorenzo Bernet、雷•赫格巴赫 Ray Hegelbach、拉斐尔•尤利亚德 Raphael Julliard、浮罗莉内•雷欧尼 Florine Leoni、吉柔沫•罗逸巴 Jerome Leuba、贝雅特•利坡特 Beat Lippert、史戴凡•迈尔 Stefan Meier、瓦勒缇娜•匹尼 Valentina Pini、米歇尔•温特伯格 Michel Winterberg、史戴凡•卡雷尔 Stefan Karrer

作为由瑞士文化基金会(Pro Helvetia)和巴塞尔国际交流和驻留项目基金会(IAAB)联手合作的中瑞访问策展人项目,特邀来自中国的独立策展人夏彦国策划了“没问题(NO QUESTIONS)”。此展由名为“没问题”的国际艺术展和名为“插入——摆摊第四回”的瑞士当地艺术家展共同组成,先后将于9月7日和9月20日在瑞士巴塞尔Klingental展览馆开幕。

受邀参加“没问题”国际艺术展的艺术家有来自英国的莉亚•卡帕尔迪 Leah Capaldi,匈牙利的阿提拉•乔尔加 Attila Csorga,斯洛文尼亚的瓦迪姆•菲什金 Vadim Fishkin,冰岛的艾琳•汉斯杜蒂尔 Elin Hansdottir,中国的萧昱以及韩国的李庸白 Lee Yongbaek。此展专注于那些表面上看起来简单直白,但当人们进一步仔细解读时,却发现其本身蕴含着诸多含义及层面的作品。首先这个展览题目看起来就是一个矛盾体,而实际上恰恰充分体现了展览的模糊性理念。也许正是这种矛盾性促使观众去深思存在于自己所见到的与实际问题之间的整体关联。

“插入——摆摊第四回”是一个穿插在“没问题”展中的一个展览。10名来自瑞士当地的艺术家,利用分派的50元瑞郎去完成一件艺术作品。这件作品将会被安置在展厅中或者由艺术家指定的地方。“插入——摆摊第四回”从9月20日展至22日,仅有一个周末的展期。这个展览是夏彦国早在北京策划的同名系列展“摆摊”的延续。这次是该系列展的第四回,也是首次在国外举行。参加此展的10位瑞士艺术家分别为:罗仁佐•贝内特 Lorenzo Bernet、雷•赫格巴赫 Ray Hegelbach、拉斐尔•尤利亚德 Raphael Julliard、浮罗莉内•雷欧尼 Florine Leoni、吉柔沫•罗逸巴 Jerome Leuba、贝雅特•利坡特 Beat Lippert、史戴凡•迈尔 Stefan Meier、瓦勒缇娜•匹尼 Valentina Pini、米歇尔•温特伯格 Michel Winterberg、史戴凡•卡雷尔 Stefan Karrer。策展人试图通过这样一种实验性的展览项目来发现策展人、艺术家以及艺术创作之间的诸多问题和关系。本展览同样会举办一场讨论会,将会邀请之前参加“摆摊”展的部分艺术家与本次的瑞士艺术家进行网络视频对话交流,探讨中瑞青年艺术家在创作方法、关注对象、如何看待“时间”在创作中的使用等方面的异同。