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“A Glimpse of Memory - 片鳞” article 1085
Space CAN Beijing, Beijing - 北京可能空间, 北京

du 21 septembre au 13 octobre 2013 - 2013年9月21日至10月13日


© Piao Songyi


Légendes de gauche à droite :
1/  Li Yiwen - 李易纹, Silent - 默, acrylic on canvas - 布面丙烯, 170×150 cm, 2012.
2/  Li Jinju - 李珍珠, Never Delete - 从不删除, Korean color on fabric - 布面彩绘, 107×187 cm, 2008.
3/  Li Jinju - 李珍珠, First - 最初, Korean color on fabric - 布面彩绘, 40×60 cm, 2011.



présentation - 展览介绍 :


Artists: Li Yiwen, Lee Jinju

Memories are definitely existing somewhere in mentality and psychology. However, sometimes, people got lost in their memories. Same single event, state or situation can be twisted or edited through filtering of personal experience so it keeps coming back to haunt. If memory was severely edited to blur actual cause and result, it could not be distinguished the reality from the dream and these memories became surreal and spoke with different voices. This is the fundamental common point of works by Li Yiwen and Lee Jinju.


The Glimpse of Memory

That does not reach its good and it functions as short-cut icon to specific event, scene or state.  That becomes the subject of nostalgia, recollection and reflection and is called as trauma, while it lingers around the boundary of mental and suddenly confront with the reality. Then, people jump into certain point of the past in a moment. We could free from our memories if we understand those situations with logical connection or clear and complete structure, but there is always a point of connection to lead us from the reality to fantasy like the cave or tree in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and these bits of memory become a used but unfamiliar scene with updated experiences.

The works of Li Yiwen show the conflict or co-existence of memory and reality under clear gray layers. The empty chairs are located as though it seems to be occupied and the basketball is flying in the unfamiliar and open space, but it looks like real and shows the crack of different space simultaneously by the conjunction of surreal scenes and the equalized tone, due to the incredible ability of artist who has showed the fine realistic works. The works of this artist has unique lyricism with intense sensitivity instead of the air for breath and it is the identity of this artist.

The Korean artist, Lee Jinju majored in Oriental Painting and she shows unique line and tone of Korea in her works. And she has described the identity of femininity in many works and used frequently the materials such as avoidable fence, a hosepipe in the pool full with water, a basket with clothes and wastes, people with listening music in the sewage, which show the co-existence of things for no good, and a baby in the suitcase, the floating sack with people, a space cut into small portion and a separated land. She says she was raised in developing area and had to wear a pair of stocking for warmth, and she seems to reflect these memory into the water which flows to circulate everything and begins to decay if stop flowing. However, these bits of memory lost its reality when they are in one scene. The story seems to disappear because of multi-layered time and space with no order or standard, but it contradictorily becomes an important point to focus on the work under the arrangement of similar scenes and contents.

Both artists show the futile existence resulted from the arrangement of realistic memories with no cause and result through the co-existence of illogical contents and realistic descriptions. Instead of a relief to interconnect precisely, they expose and show the crack to make use of their memories, and you can appreciate their unique ways in this exhibition. Also, you can have an opportunity to think what is haunted in your memories and which piece of your memories co-exists like a dream, and you can re-organize your unfamiliar but used memories.

Space CAN Beijing – Lim Kyoung-Min






韩国的女性艺术家李珍珠是专攻东洋画,在整个画面突出了韩国特色的线处理感觉和类似氛围的色感。在这基础上作为女性在大部分的画面里存在性的同一性,可以绕来的铁栅栏,往已经灌满水的游泳池里灌着水的管子,与污物放在一起的衣物,在污水排放口下来的水里泡着身体欣赏音乐等我们所力所不及的共存,躺在旅行箱里的刚出生的婴儿, 整个切掉的窄的空间,分离的地面是将艺术家拉回画面的素材。在开发前未整理好的地区萌生的记忆,小时候为了抵抗寒冷而穿的丝袜,循环所有的东西,只要一停就会开始腐败的水,艺术家的观点融入进很多作品里,听着这些内容我们同意艺术家将她的思考投影到作品里。但这些记忆的短片聚集到一个画面时,其现实性极具丧失。不管是背景、状况、多层的视空间,因没有按顺序或基准排放,所以故事消失了,但矛盾的是这个在类似的画面和内容的摆放前也能沉浸到作品里。


北京可能空间 - 林炅玟