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“HOME - 乡土” Qi Yang Painting Installation and Video - 杨起绘画、装置、影像个展
Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art, Shanghai - 上海多伦现代美术馆, 上海

du 22 septembre au 10 octobre 2013 - 2013年9月22日至10月10日


© Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art


Légendes de gauche à droite :
1/  Qi Yang - 杨起, religious - 虔诚, mixed media - 综合材料, 35×25×4 cm, 2010.
2/  Qi Yang - 杨起, I’m just staying here - 我就呆在这儿, mixed media - 综合材料, 60×40×35 cm, 2010.
3/  Qi Yang - 杨起, Let me go - 放开我, ink and color on paper - 纸本设色, 29.5×21 cm, 2012.



présentation - 展览介绍 :


Curator: Prof. Dr. Beate Reifenscheid, Direktorin des Ludwig Museums
Exhibition Director: Du Fang
Coordinator: Elvis Gu
Organizer: Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art
Co-organizers: Bell Art Center Deutschl and Adam Schall von Bell Wissenschaft und Kunstforschung e.V.

The exhibition project 2013 “Home” focuses on the personal yearning for identity and the being-oneself which is reflected in the large scenery of two cultures, the German and Chinese. The artist's experiences abroad, his being at home in Europe and working through the fundamental changes holding China in a firm grasp for the past few decades, are all revealed in his expressive works. Two cultures, two languages and two mentalities pulsate vibrantly, fusing into 'one' art, the art of Qi Yang. By taking issue with the hereby created 'interculture' he implements his philosophy of life in his art.

The exhibition project 2013 “Home” is a taste of things to come as far as all of Mr. Yang's artwork - ranging from paintings and sculptures objects, installations and media art - is concerned.
His latest pieces represent the artist's reflections on contemporary art.

North-Rhine Westphalia (NRW), Germany's largest province, is China's most suitable partner when it comes to all types of co-operation in business and science, as well as energy projects and cultural exchange. Over the past twenty years North-Rhine Westphalia has successfully made a name for itself throughout all of China. It has therefore been of great interest to the NRW - China parliamentarian association to strengthen and intensify the relations to China in general, and Shanghai in particular.

Mr. Qi Yang was born in China in 1952, educated as an artist there, and has been living in Germany since 1987. Christian spirituality as well as Confucian ethics, Taoist ontology and the German dialectic philosophy are just as much of a source of inspiration as the awareness and developments that are unique to both traditional and more recent art. The combination of different shapes and textures give these works of art an enticing quality, while at the same time creating a soothing meditative effect.

Mr. Qi Yang has long been established in the German art scene and is renowned for his work. Apart from his many solo exhibitions all over the world, he has represented Germany at international exhibitions for many years now. At places such as.: ‘Declaration’ in the Museum of Contemporary Art in Seoul (2004), ‘Peking Biennale’ (2012), ‘Shanghai Biennale’/ Duesseldorf  Pavillion (2012) and ‘Neo-Expressionism Germany’ at the Zhan Zhou International Museum in Beijing (2013), a.o.

“Qi Yang is one of those artists that create room for new thoughts and opportunities to revive and renew the traditions of Chinese Art, while at the same time enriching the dialogue with different cultures.” (Marc Scheps, Director of the Museum Ludwig, Cologne)

策展人: 贝雅特·拉芬莎尔德 (德国路德维希美术艺馆馆长)
展览总监: 杜放(上海多伦现代美术馆执行馆长)
展览协调: 顾佳君
主办单位: 上海多伦现代美术馆
协办单位: 德国贝尔艺术中心、德国汤若望科学与艺术促进会



在本次展览中,艺术家将致力于寻求人本和乡情。德国和中国对艺术家而言具有全然不同的两种文化情结,欧洲作为第二个家乡的生活经历,以及中国新时代的转变, 极大地触动了杨起的艺术思维,它集中表现了两个文化、 两种语言、两地民族性情,由此而生的“相间互补文化”则熔融于他的世界艺术之大观。同时,儒家的伦理说、道家的本体论和德国的思辩哲学, 亦为杨起从传统到当代的艺术发展和知识更新过程中源源不断地给养。在其创作中,材料和形式语言的结合如同禅静与修行的结合,他的绘画融笔触锋芒和色快肌理为一体, 亦如中国草书文字那种异国情调般的伸展, 使得两国文化以最精美的方式攀连延绵。德国前科隆市路得维希美术馆馆长马尔克·舍帕斯曾这样评价他“杨起属于具有新思想和当代型发展的艺术家, 他不但活跃和更新了中国的传统艺术, 而且促成她与他国文化的交流对话。”

时下杨起生活的城市, 是德国莱茵河边的首府重镇, 位于德国大型多元现代工业技术和人口居住最密集的北莱茵威士法仑州, 是德中两国、尤其是北莱茵威士法仑州和上海的经济及文化往来最重要的伙伴。而本次展览更将成为两座城市之间的纽带,联结着彼此的友谊和文化发展的步伐。