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“Lui Shangying- 刘商英” Fleeting-Paintings - 浮云
Inside-out Art museum, Beijing - 中间美术馆, 北京

du 28 septembre au 27 octobre 2013 - 2013年9月28日至10月27日


© Inside-out Art Museum


Légendes de gauche à droite :
1/  Lui Shangying - 刘商英, Blue Water - 蓝水, acrylic on canvas - 布面丙烯, 135×200 cm, 2011.
2/  Lui Shangying - 刘商英, A Ngari Boy - 阿里男孩, oil on canvas - 布面油画, 89×130 cm, 2012.
3/  Lui Shangying - 刘商英, Starry sky and Lake - 星空与湖, acrylic on canvas - 布面丙烯, 135×200 cm, 2012.



presentation - 展览介绍 :


The opening of exhibition “Fleeting-Paintings by Liu Shangying” will be released on Saturday, 28thSept. 2013 at Inside-out Art museum. This exhibition will show a hundred of artworks by Liu Shangying which were created during his two trips in Ngari, Tibet in 2011 and 2013.

Liu Shang Ying’s unique painting style is based on the theme of “Fleeting”, carries the sentimental captures of the artist’s nature. He pulls away from real life, examines the spiritual world of self-exile. It hints the artistic pursuit and goes all lengths in pure expression. Artist is also concerned with touching the most inner satisfaction and expressing it wholly. “Fleeting” represents the flow of irregularity among a static universe in moments. There is a subtle implication between real and unreal, as the artist tries to place himself into nature, life, and art.

Each work in the exhibition “Fleeting-Paintings by Liu Shangying” seems more an individual creation—created by a maturing artist in the midmost of an adventurous journey than a painting from nature.

Liu Shang Ying, born in 1974, graduated from the attached school of Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA), and later went on to earning a bachelor degree in the Department of Oil Painting at CAFA under mentor Dai Shi He at The Second Studio. He earned his master degree at The Third Studio under mentor Zhan Jianjun and Xie Dongming. Afterwards he remained and taught in the Academy until now. He is currently the vice chairman of the Department of Oil Painting in CAFA, also studying for his doctorate under mentor Yuan Yunsheng.



