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“Huang Jingyuan - 黄静远个展” I am Your Agency No. - 各就各位
FORCE Gallery, Beijing - 富思画廊, 北京

du 9 novembre au 15 décembre 2013 - 2013年11月9日至12月15日

© Piao Songyi


Légendes de gauche à droite :
1/  Huang Jingyuan - 黄静远, I am Your Agency No.01 - 各就各位01, oil on canvas - 布面油画, 133cm x 155cm, 2013.
2/  Huang Jingyuan - 黄静远, I am Your Agency No.00 - 各就各位00, oil on canvas - 布面油画, 133cm x 155cm, 2013.
3/  Huang Jingyuan - 黄静远, I am Your Agency No.24 - 各就各位24, oil on canvas - 布面油画, 133cm x 155cm, 2013.



présentation - 展览介绍 :


Everything seems ready in Huang’s paintings, be it the steamed buns, conference chairs, or taxidermy. To gaze into this moment causes discomfort, as if something is staring back at us. What has driven the artist to focus her gaze upon this moment of readiness that looks back? More importantly, why is this relevant? Have we not already moved beyond this contemporaneity?

artist statement

On the wall of my parents’ bedroom there is a photo from their dating period (1979, southern China). They stand side-by-side like well-prepare d soldiers trying to impress their leaders. But underneath this affectation of allegiance, I can detect an intimacy that comes from their shared experience as casualties of war.

Three decades later, my parents’ material life, just as for many Chinese, has greatly improved. There are more photos on the walls of their living room now, with international icons serving as backdrops: the Statue of Liberty, the Eiffel Tower, Niagara Falls, etc. And yet they still occasionally adopt that familiar, classical pose from three decades ago. It seems their bodies have been trained to affect a particular way of posing as an accepted way of marking a place (culturally and geographically). It is this most common, normal, and self-subscribed body language and its lasting impact that reveal the most to me.

On the Internet, I have found many variations of this way of posing; some more personalized and up-to-date than those of my parents. My attention was continually drawn to how things look when people are deprived of their default stance or their “go-to” poses. They begin to exhibit symptoms of a cultural ostracism: as if their individual gesture and personal outlook has been taken away from them. Divested of a guise, they seem condemned to a certain anxious informality that suggests nowhere and finds no support. People, and the artifacts they document, become casualties of their own image-in-the-making, and their image production is reduced to a self-imposed performance. This crisis of losing face remains, perhaps anachronistically, particular to this country at this particular time in history, and my series is an exploration of what, why, and how this crisis is produced an d maintained.




