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“The Artist’s Studio - 艺术家的工作室” Stripped bare by the artists, even - 被艺术家们剥光了衣服
ON/Gallery, Beijing - ON/画廊, 北京

du 3 novembre au 6 décembre 2013 - 2013年11月3日至12月6日


© ON/Gallery


Légendes de gauche à droite :
1/  Luo Wei - 罗苇, Transparent 12 - 透明12, mixed media - 混合媒介绘画, 39.5×28 cm, 2013.
2/  Yang Song - 杨松, Yang Song - 自塑像, sculpture - 雕塑, 40×25×70 cm, 2012.
3/  Zhang Yiming - 张伊铭, Friend NO.7 - 朋友NO.7, watercolor on paper - 纸本水彩, 24×32 cm, 2012.



présentation - 展览介绍 :


Curator: Ludovic De Vita, ZhengYanfang, Wang Lingyun
Artists: Zhang Yiming, Zhao Bo, Zhou Nan, Yang Song, Luo Wei, Bu Yunjun, Li Shigong

"The Artist’s Studio, Stripped bare by the artists, even" will be held at ON/Gallery, Songzhuang, Beijing from November 3 to December 6, 2013.

The exhibition takes its name from one of Duchamp's last painting "The Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Even" Idea is part of the artists' studios moved to the exhibition site, uncover the mystery of the artist's work, so that people not only enjoy the final product, but also to learn more about their creative process, living conditions, other hobbies, etc., and thus for the artist and works with a more three-dimensional understanding and experience.

