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“Jiang Chuan - 姜川” Inhale, Exhale - 吸, 呼
Yang Gallery, Beijing - 杨国际艺术中心, 北京

du 29 mars au 19 avril 2014 - 2014年3月29日至4月19日


© Liang Jian 梁健


Légendes de gauche à droite :
1/  Jiang Chuan - 姜川, Image Series2 - 大图像系列, oil on canvas - 布面油画, 100×100cm, 2014.
2/  Jiang Chuan - 姜川, Works - 2作品2, glass - 玻璃, diameter - 直径 300cm, 2013.
3/  Jiang Chuan - 姜川, Image Series 1 - 大图像系列, oil on canvas - 布面油画, 200×200cm, 2014.



présentation - 展览介绍 :


Curator: Gu Zhenqing

Among the contemporaries of his generation, prominent emerging artist Jiang Chuan’s glass themed works debut with an important message, reflecting the fusion of Western art and classical Chinese culture.

Jiang Chuan was deeply interested in the Chinese culture and history while studying in the United States. He chose the ornamental ’stain glass’ as the basis for his creation elements to depict this sense of modern visual empowerment. Each work have a distinctive theme of Chinese story with nearly one thousand different colors are displayed vividly before us and as we look at Jiang Chuan’s works, we will be awed by not only the magical colors, but also the interpretation of the tradition culture complex resulting in outstanding works beyond space and time.

策展人: 顾振清


