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“Qiu Xin - 邱昕” Anxiety of Separation - 分离不安
Hi Art-Joy Project, Beijing - Hi艺术-卓越计划, 北京

du 12 avril au 5 mai 2014 - 2014年4月12日至5月6日


© Liang Jian 梁健


Légendes de gauche à droite :
1/  Qiu Xin - 邱昕, Cockfighting - 斗鸡, acrylic on board - 木板丙烯, 120.5×175cm, 2013.
2/  Qiu Xin - 邱昕, Haze 阴霾- , wood - 木材, 99×134×97cm, 2013.
3/  Qiu Xin - 邱昕, Puzzle in The Air - 高空拼图, oil on canvas - 布面油画, 60×80cm, 2012.



présentation - 展览介绍 :


Qiu Xin AND Uncle Qiu’s DNA - Some Color for You
by Yan Feng

Qiu Xin has all his friends call him Uncle Qiu. We’ve been doing it for over a decade. He loves to hear it, in part because it is so out of line with his appearance and age. When he is with friends, he is Uncle Qiu. When he is with others, he is Qiu Xin.

In 2004, when Qiu Xin was still in his third year of college, he won a great prize out of the blue. That was when I met Qiu Xin, winning the prize of this great friendship, which has lasted a decade. When I say friend, I am talking about someone you speak frankly with, someone you can reveal your DNA to. That is the kind of friendship we have.

Uncle Qiu has good DNA. This isn’t something I say casually. There is a scientific basis to this conclusion. Uncle Qiu the Elder, aka Qiu Xin’s father, once worked for a mysterious company that was the only provider of DNA testing in Beijing, and using his privileged access, he gave Uncle Qiu Junior a DNA analysis. Qiu was quite pleased with the orderly layout of his DNA. The analysis showed that his DNA was much better than his father’s: many errors in the code descending from previous generations worked themselves out in him.

The DNA of Qiu’s artwork is a reflection of his own DNA, and just like the person himself: smart AND persistent AND smug AND stubborn, with just a little touch of profoundness. Frankly speaking, his artworks have good DNA. Our circle of friends has privately agreed, in all seriousness, that Uncle Qiu has a very academic character and artistic personality, and that his approach to learning is certainly very international. Uncle Qiu places a lot of emphasis on his theoretical achievements. Some of them have been recorded in writing. They are truly excellent. We call them The Analects of Uncle Qiu:

Uncle Says:
I like clumsy painting techniques / I am wary of proficiency / proficiency is in the realm of technique / proficiency is not an issue for me / but I do know what it leads to / it is worth exploring whether becoming proficient will help or hinder expression / I cannot stand to let such a thing happen / so I switch materials / switch methods / in hopes of maintaining that level of excitement / that is why my works look so different from each other / so called standards are relative / it depends on the scope of the discussion

Uncle Says:
So called artworks are traces / traces reflect the state at the time of creation / that being the process of creation / the process is more important than the outcome / I focus more on process / where there is process, there are rises and falls / there will be change and imperfection / this process is imbued with emotion / I think that this is very precious and interesting / this is what I want to present

Uncle Says:
I focus on the current / masters are not there for us to surpass / masters are just a topic of conversation / art history itself also needs to be deconstructed / art cannot be limited to art history / art history can only teach you how to survive in the cracks / but art history cannot teach you how to make good art

Uncle Says:
My earlier life is a history of demolition / it is incomplete / fragmented / rapacious / it just happens to fit with that side of human history / mankind’s activities have changed the earth in a violent manner / omnipresent / repeated reconstruction and recreation / this has gradually come to construct my worldview and methodology

Uncle Says:
At first I always hoped to paint quickly / to finish as fast as possible / and see the results / I still maintain this style / but I have realized that some work must be done step by step / with a sense of rhythm / when I say I don’t care about outcomes, it is not that I have discarded visual beauty / it is that I now understand that when the process and rhythm are grasped, good things emerge

Uncle Says:
To a certain extent / art should be destructive / should conflict with the surrounding environment / should scrape against it

This absolutely is the stuff of theory!

These are the academic AND rigorous AND profound Qiu-style theoretical DNA strands that were born in Uncle Qiu’s studio, which remains standing while surrounded by the rubble of demolition. Just like the Bodhi dharma facing the wall, he has turned his studio into a vestment that serves as the container for his body and soul. It is said that Uncle Qiu wears this vestment several hours every day, and has completely memorized every single thread of it. He can walk through his studio with his eyes closed. It is his own kingdom. He loves this vestment so much that in this exhibition, he is completely recreating his studio in the exhibition hall.

In fact, several of the most important DNA strands in Uncle Qiu’s works are explained in the abovementioned Analects of Uncle Qiu: the resistance that has formed from his mind springing back against powerful external forces; the individual perspective he has gained from his pursuit of physical strength and betterment; and the unique techniques he has built from rebelling against art history and drilling through its cracks (in consideration for the reader’s lung capacity, I have chosen to list only three).

China has become the land of demolition in recent years, but for Uncle Qiu, this has been something that has been pent up in his heart for decades. Since he was a schoolboy, he’s been watching everything around him being knocked down. He and his schoolmates, with their brand new backpacks, would have to tiptoe over demolished walls every day to get to school. Deep in his heart, he just couldn’t stand it. Many years later, having finally travelled to Europe and America, he found the best analogy: in other countries, a rural bakery can easily get along for a century; in China, our landmark buildings and even our schools are knocked down only after a few years.

His resistance to and aversion for this situation have been growing over the days AND the years, leading directly to this exhibition, where a series of discarded and destroyed things are brought back together and imbued with new lives as artworks. These materials are more naturally fitting to his current condition. For these works, Uncle Qiu is the lord rewriting their DNA.

He is also his own lord. When I first met Qiu Xin, he was very pale AND very skinny. He is still pale, but he is no longer so skinny. That is because around the time I met him, he started working out very diligently AND professionally, working out in the gym. His reason was quite simple: he didn’t like being so skinny. Height can’t change but muscle can. He eventually built up a large chest, muscles that appeared not only on his body but in his artworks as well. He spends a lot of time working out, to the point that they say if he’s not in his studio, he must be in the gym.

I’ve never asked what first led Qiu Xin to go to the scrap station and buy those old crate boards, those crate boards covered in nails and shipping tags, some showing damage and the marks of corrosion. These things are not suited for making paintings, not suited at all, but he has turned them into the base for paintings.

Amazingly, these completely untreated pieces of scrap have somehow been seamlessly integrated with Qiu Xin’s oil painting language without a bit of disconnect or force, to the point that people feel this is the way it always was. Unconsciously and effortlessly, Qiu Xin has solved an issue that plagues readymade artistic creation: expression is either too rigid or too straightforward. Qiu Xin found his own solution. Through these two-dimensional and three-dimensional, even two-and-a-half-dimensional works, we can see how relaxed and skilled he is when facing the core creative issues of material and technique, even when his actions are themselves a provocation against the norm.

His relaxation and skill are built upon his repeated self-refutation and rebellion over the past several years. Back in the day, everyone thought he would use the success of the first series to make a pot of money. No one imagined that he would stop that series so abruptly. When I asked him about it, his response was immediate: I don’t want to repeat. That’s not what I really want to paint.

He hates playing it safe.

Usually, it’s rather odd for a painter to make sculptures. Sculpture and painting are two totally different things, two separate sets of logic. Qiu Xin is one of the few painters I’ve seen who can make proper three-dimensional works. The three-dimensional artworks in this exhibition transform decay into magic. They possess their own classic style. Those wood shavings and scraps that he has treated as brushstrokes have a kind of internal resonance with his paintings, a kind of impulsive force, and a force that might be connected to his years of bodybuilding.

From DNA to AND, what appears to be a simple reverse process, has taken Uncle Qiu on a decade-long twisting journey. Since graduation, he has always doggedly persisted in grasping every detail connected to creation, including driving nails and stretching canvases. In the movie of his art, he is not just the director but also the AC, even the continuity director AND the one who hands out lunches. He is always subverting himself, pushing himself, making those around him confused, tired and even a bit worried.

Where does the warrior decked in orange AND camouflage hide? How does the red, radiant Mushroom Cloud surge up into the sky? From whence comes the tranquility of that cold blue Hard White? Why is the olive-drab group eating the Strange Dinner so silently? Who is the deep red Tough Guy holding his Violent Show for? Who is the blood red Big Heart beating for? For whom are the red and green Fighting Cocks fighting? Why does the red and green man and woman Fall Silent on Each Other? For whom is this Fake Tiger standing rigid? For whom is the Cockpit, in warm and cold tones, taking flight? Why is the bright red box being Security-checked? Among the Bloodthirsty in their black and red shorts, who has eaten whose fist? How did the black Weary Giant AND the brown Weary Giant fall down, and how will they stand? Between the monochrome and the multicolored Haze, which one makes our breath grow heavy? … When it comes to these seemingly unconnected yet closely connected problems, who else could answer them but Qiu Xin? What exactly is he planning to do with all these colors?

I don’t know why, but Uncle Qiu and those artworks of his always get me thinking about prehistoric cave paintings. Many times I have imagined Uncle Qiu and his studio as a caveman and a prehistoric cave, just sitting they’re painting so truly AND persistently AND sacredly, working, pushing. Sometimes it gets me feeling a bit reverent. 

But, to this point, Qiu Xin has still never been completely satisfied with any of his artworks, just like he’s not satisfied with himself. Qiu Xin has quite the sense of humor, and most people with a sense of humor are wise. His ancestral home is in the northeast, and his hometown is famous for its lion’s mane mushrooms. He’s always found these mushrooms to be a bit ridiculous. It doesn’t taste any good, but it’s treated as this precious thing, passed around as gifts. I told him he could call this exhibition A Lion’s Mane Mushroom for You. He said he might as well call it Mushroom Plants vs. Zombies…

Many years ago, the first time Uncle Qiu held a solo exhibition; I gave him a clear crystal frog I had gotten at the Swarovski headquarters. It implied that he had turned from a frog into a prince. What should I give him for this exhibition? How about this essay? This solo exhibition is a bit different from his past ones. That is because this is an exhibition without a curator. In other words, Uncle Qiu is the curator, and he’s curating for Qiu Xin, as well as for himself. He’s going to show you a lot, and you might even like it.



























