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“Audrey Salmon - 作品展” Memory Doll - 记忆娃娃861  
au C5Art, Beijing - 西五艺术中心, 北京
du 9 mars au 14 avril 2013 - 2013年3月9日至4月14日

© Piao Song Yi


légendes de gauche à droite
1/  Audrey Salmon, M.O.T, Photograph,《M.O.T》, 摄影, 120×100cm, 2010.
2/  Audrey Salmon, 730 Eyelash Trash Traces Saved From The Forgotten Memories (detail), one-year collection air tight sealed mascara on cot,《来自被遗忘的记忆中的被丢弃的730个睫毛痕迹》(局部), 一年内收集的365对真空包装的睫毛膏卸妆棉, 5×5.5cm每片, 2010.
3/  Audrey Salmon, STUDIOLO, mixed media, 28 pictures displayed in a pack of birth control pills,0.7cm diameter each, Pills pack’s,《小陈列室》, 综合材料, 在避孕药的包装内展示28张图片,每个图片直径0.7cm, 避孕药包装尺寸8×5.5cm, 2012.


présentation :

Curator - 策展人: Marie Terrieux - 马力
Artists - 参展艺术家 : Audrey Salmon


C5 Art is presenting “Memory Doll – a Solo Exhibition by Audrey Salmon” in March, featuring a series of photography, installation and video works.

Audrey Salmon’s previous artwork has been focusing on Chinese cities’ mutant architecture; black and white was her answer to such strange universe. A couple of years ago her artwork has been exhibited in several galleries in Shanghai, Beijing, Hong Kong and Taipei. Her new artwork is much more colorful, flirting with candy pink and bloody red. Memory Doll is an exhibition about the plurality of women, a world which is diced and stretched between stereotypes, archetypes, media and consumerist society.

Through the subtle use of photography, video and installation, Audrey Salmon’s artworks oscillate between introspection and external observation as well as the micro and the macro.

With fascination for metamorphosis, Salmon extracts the tiny and intimate elements of the gigantic fresco of seduction to create an ambiguous universe which flirts with forgotten memories and curiosities.


西五艺术中心将于2013年3月9日至4月14日举办”记忆娃娃 - Audrey Salmon作品展”,展览将展出Audrey一系列的摄影、装置及影像作品。

Audrey Salmon的早期作品主要关注于中国城市中突变的建筑结构,她用黑白的画面语言来呈现这个奇特的世界,并在上海、北京、香港和台北的多家艺术机构中展示。她的最新作品添加 了糖果粉色和血红色,使得作品的画面张力更为丰富。记忆娃娃是一个关于不同阶层女性、被分化的世界以及在墨守成规、自我、各种媒体和消费主义中挣扎的 社会现状的展览。

Audrey Salmon 巧妙地运用摄影、影像和装置肆意游移于对外界的观察和自我反省,宏观与微观之间。
