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“Follow Me - 快乐的美术课” Zhang Jie’s Art of Torn Paper - 张杰的撕纸艺术
Inside-out Art Museum, Beijing -
 中间美术馆, 北京
du 13 avril au 16 juin 2013 - 2013年4月13日至6月16日



© Piao Song Yi


Zhang Jie - 张杰, schoolyard - 校园, 440×160 cm, paper - 纸。


présentation - 展览介绍 :

Zhang Jie is a primary school teacher from the Chang Bai Mountains on the Northeast border of China. He creates images by tearing paper. His are works range from 2-meters-high by 10-meter-long epic scene of ancient battleground to fingernail size fragments of daily life.

Creating with no other tool than his finger tips, there is little use for eye sight in this purely intuitive process, in fact Zhang Jie can work just as well putting both hands behind his back. The exhibition will feature Zhang Jie’s recent work and an interactive classroom to involve audiences’ own creative drives.

Exhibition designed by Thomas Tsang, an American architect currently teaching in The University of Hong Kong, Department of Architecture.

The show opens April 13th at Inside-out Art Museum. (Located 4km west of Sijiqing Bridge of the 4th Ring Road)





“张杰的撕纸艺术”将展出张杰近十年的艺术探索,与此同时建筑师曾庆豪(Thomas Tsang)在美术馆主展厅布置了“自主学堂”以鼓励到场观众的参与。一个民间艺人与国际设计师在中间美术馆的合作,是将启蒙教育理念与满族传统手艺融于专业艺术展览的一次全新探索与实践。中间美术馆作为民营公益机构,在中国与西方,传统与现代之间发挥桥梁作用,致力于民族民间艺术的发掘与弘扬,并将在今后推出更多非物质文化遗产的系列展览。



展示设计师:曾庆豪(Thomas Tsang),美国建筑师。2000年毕业于纽约库伯联盟建筑学院,2006-07年获得美国科学院罗马奖,现为香港大学建筑学院助理教授。