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“Lyu Yan - 吕岩作品展” Road–Portrait - 途径–肖像
9 Art Space, Beijing - 9艺术空间, 北京

du 5 mai au 5 juin 2013 - 2013年5月5日至6月5日



© Piao Song Yi


Légendes de gauche à droite :
1/  Lyu Yan - 吕岩, Portrait–Horse - 肖像–马, Mixed Media on Canvas - 布面综合材料, 200×130 cm, 2013.
2/  Lyu Yan - 吕岩, Terraced Lake - 梯形湖, Mixed Media on Canvas - 布面综合材料, 300×150 cm, 2012.
3/  Lyu Yan - 吕岩, Portrait - 肖像, Mixed Media on Canvas - 布面综合材料, 100×80 cm, 2013.


présentation - 展览介绍 :

After Lyu Yan’s solo show titled “Pertinacity” held in 2010 and the solo show at the 2012 Art Taipei , artist Lyu Yan is holding his new solo exhibition “Road- Portrait” with some recent works including mixed media on paper and canvas created between 2012 and 2013.

Lyu Yan graduated from the Fourth Oil Studio of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2005. After graduation he becomes a professional artist. He thinks the painting creation as a life style and attitude. He doesn’t care much about the delight of material life. He constantly introspects himself. He likes Lao Zi’s theory of philosophy. He loves to go fishing at his free time and practice calligraphy everyday. It seems he lives in an ancient time.

This exhibition gathers 20 pieces. Subject matters include landscape, portrait of horses and landscape with a dragon. These works express a sense of tranquility and takes you into a world of quietness.

The title of this exhibition “Road” seems like a way of self-expression for artist Lyu Yan. He even wants to name his every solo show with this kind of soul-searching expression. He said “When I am painting, I am far away from the form. No matter what the image looks like, if it is the same as the image in my brain, I am satisfied. At that time I am never sharp but happy. I always hope that the painting can tell the emotions in my different phases. Maybe it is a process of communication with my soul. Everyone says you should paint what you want to paint naturally. In fact the embarrassing phase is interesting too, if only the embarrassment is natural. Just like you fall in love, you have no courage to tell the person, but you let the person know it with other approaches. A kid always wants to be a grown-up for the seductive expectation; an adult likes to taste the past because the past is unchangeable truth. It is a pity that, the older you are, the less curiousness and puerility you have…..”


