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“Wu Di - 吴笛” BABY, DON’T CRY - 宝贝, 不哭
PIFO Gallery, Beijing - 偏锋新艺术空间, 北京

du 9 Mai au 16 Juin 2013 - 2013年5月9日至6月16日



© Piao Song Yi


Légendes de gauche à droite :
1/  Wu Di - 吴笛, BABY, DON'T CRY - 宝贝, 不哭, mixed media - 综合材料, 185×67×67 cm, 2013.
2/  Wu Di - 吴笛, Successor - 接班人, mixed media - 综合材料, 100×45×420 cm, 2013.
3/  Wu Di - 吴笛, You Sister - 你妹, plaster teeth mold - 牙齿石膏模具 8×8×7cm, metal cake tray - 金属蛋糕拖盘 32×26×26cm, dining car - 餐车 90×43×38cm, gold foil - 金箔, 2013.


présentation - 展览介绍 :

curator : Fang Zhiling


PIFO Gallery is pleased to announce that we will be launching Wu Di's solo exhibition in May 9th, 2013. Her second solo exhibition since 2009 —— BABY, DON’T CRY. This exhibition will last until June 16th. We await your presence.

“The feelings of animals and the soul of plants are collected in man’s universe, both intellectuality and in the spirit of angel's", Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola has said. In the natural and spiritual realm, humans have the possibility of all creation, to change the human body to an angel or animal. So-called humanity, reeks of preconceptions.

BABY, DON’T CRY depicts a person without limbs, a freak, hermaphroditism, variability of humans and animals. Searching for the combination of irrational things and natural things reveals a world which does not exist in this world. As the combination of science and magic, the world contains a wonderful atmosphere. Wu Di describes a mysterious world in her idea, showing the descriptive object with her lusty persistence, and her metaphorical persistence to this entire world. We experienced "the end of the world" in 2012, and this year Wu Di begun to create THE DANCE OF THE DEATH. However the end of world didn’t come. Doomsday has become a historical phenomenon, the imagination of death is the imagination of a desolate culture. Hope and hate can be difficult to satisfy in reality, leaving fear about the end of world while waiting for it to actually happen. The development of mind is not unidirectional; rational goes, irrational stays. Human beings have the same question as Faust: "If heaven and hell both exist in the world, people will wish to be both angel and devil."



