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“Lu Zhengyuan - 卢征远” Superfluous Thing No.2 - 长物志NO.2
Hive Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing - 蜂巢当代艺术中心, 北京

du 11 mai au 11 juin 2013 - 2013年5月11日至6月11日



© Piao Song Yi


Légendes de gauche à droite :
1/  Lu Zhengyuan - 卢征远, The Moon in My Room - 房间里的月亮, photograph - 照片, 150×100 cm, 2010, Moon shines in my room courtesy of Google - Google的月亮在房间里照亮。
2/  Lu Zhengyuan - 卢征远, Enlargement - 增大, photograph - 照片, 15×10 cm, 2012, Under the hot sun exposure - 在烈日下暴晒, through the principle of heat bilges cold shrink to enlarge - 通过热胀冷缩的原理让自己增大。
3/  Lu Zhengyuan - 卢征远, Planting - 种植, photograph - 照片, 120×90 cm, 2010, Grow corn- 在城市中种植玉米, leek and Chinese cabbage and other crops in cities - 韭菜,白菜等农作物。


présentation - 展览介绍 :


Curator: Dai Zhuoqun
Producer: Xia Jifeng
Exhibition Director: Tong Juanjuan

As the second round of the long-term art project: Superfluous Thing, Lu Zhengyuan Solo Exhibition will launch in May 11th2013 and last to June 11th. This exhibition presents a full extent of artist's photography works in recent periods. Via the manifestation of perceptive synthesis towards undetectable acts, he shows a rational and absurd relationship between mediocre concepts and material existence.
In the early practice, Lu used to create an art work everyday continuously in 100 day. The sensitive observation to commonplace objects has become the most personal characteristic of Lu's art. In the viewers' angle, it seems that his practice is always covered by confusing mist. Whatever we encounter in daily life can be translated into his art objects. There is no denying that it does be the very essential core of Lu's art concept. Artist fixes the gap between art and being, enlarging the content of art and uncovering the meaning hidden behind surviving.
In a work named Temperature, Lu warms a part of a desk which is seen as the final outcome of his work, fleeting and invisible. In another work The Moon in Room, Lu illuminates the room by a man-made moon shown in PC screen. Besides, Drift demonstrates a scene that the golden pigment being sprayed in the field under sunlight. In those cases, we can grasp the purpose and interest which Lu indulges in: playing with the ambiguity on the edge of metaphysical concept and realistic existence. We can comprehend this clue more clearly in other work named Lie, a final vision combines the authentic flowers and fruits with faked ones. Here, Lu discusses the paradox of abstract concepts and concrete objects. Usually, a set concept comes up in our mind rather than a specific object when we hear the word “apple”. A man-made one is fake but real in the concept; a nature one is real but in paradoxical way.
Going through his continuous translation and echo, artist is managing to achieve a deeper understand of material objects. In fact, it is the path leading us to confront ourselves, to reach the ultimate state of art.



策展人: 戴卓群
出品人: 夏季风
展览总监: 佟娟娟




